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Sleeping area and children's bedrooms

The furniture of the sleeping area helps arranging the spaces and contribute to their aesthetic outcome and comfort. Furnishing the bedroom could look like an easy task, especially if we limit our choice to the essential elements. Nevertheless, the bedroom plays a crucial role for our health as the space where we spend the hours dedicated to rest. A carefully planned bedroom, where the colors are attentively chosen and so the lighting, surfaces and shapes, will be perfect in favoring a quality sleep. In order to furnish the sleeping area efficiently, the essential pieces such as beds and wardrobes should be accompanied by accessories and complements that are purposefully studied in order to meet the needs that are typical of this area of the house. From the sleeping area section on Archiproducts it is possible to access a large selection or furniture and complements, besides bedroom sets and kids’ bedroom sets solutions.

The bed: the protagonist of the sleeping area

The most relevant piece of furniture of the sleeping area, both from an aesthetic and a functional perspective, is the bed. The style and design of a bed can have a tremendous impact on the aesthetic of a bedroom, be it the master, the kids’ or the guests’ bedroom. From a functional point of view, a bed should first of all be able to guarantee a quality sleep, that is crucial for our well being. The market opens up to a wide variety of beds, what can pose some challenges while making the choice. One of the criteria to make the right choice is to evaluate the level of comfort the bed is able to ensure and this depends on the quality of the bed bases and even more on the mattress and pillows. The array of solutions proposed by the companies in this sector encompasses beds complete with all their composing parts and spare pieces which are commercialized separately. In the latter case it is possible to choose the headboard that is more in line with personal tastes and this needs to be combined with a bases, generally made of wooden slats. Last, the bed needs to be dressed with bedding, that is to say with bed linens and pillowcases, blankets and bedspreads, that besides contributing to a comfortable sleep, impact the final look of the whole room. Nuances, fabrics combinations, patterns and motifs all contribute to dress the bedroom and children’s bedroom and to customize it to a maximum degree.

Storage units for the sleeping area, between aesthetics and functionality

Storage units are necessary to keep the bedroom tidy, while shape, together with material and chromatic combinations, play a role on the room aesthetic result. Such elements should be chosen on the basis of the size and shape of the room, both decisive factors, especially when speaking of the largest of the furniture pieces, the wardrobe. Walk-in wardrobes make for a valid alternative to the classic ones and thanks to sectional models can be assembled so to suit also tiny spaces. Bedside tables are positioned by the bed sides and offer both storage space and a useful countertop where to keep items such as books, glasses, the smartphone and tablet at hand, or to lay lamps, alarm clocks or clock-radios. An undiscussed classic of the bedroom is the chest of drawers, or dresser, that is generally proposed in coordination with the bedside tables for what relates to style, colors and materials. An interesting alternative solution to the dresser is the drawer unit, a high chest of drawer made up of seven drawers, one for each day of the week and ideal to store the underwear. Another classic that has been revived today is the dressing table. Conceived for the personal care, it is equipped with a mirror, a seating and drawers where to store the necessary items. Far from being an unnecessary complement, the dressing table allows to take care of themselves while comfortably seating with all what is needed at a fingertip. Among the available models there are also small size versions, suitable to modest spaces.

Complements and accessories to complete furniture and decoration

We have gone through all the essential elements that make up the furnishing of the sleeping area, however we can safely claim that no room is complete without complements and accessories. In the case of the bedroom a key role is played by lighting that has to match certain requirements in order to be comfortable. Table lamps are very much recommended. Laid on the bedside tables or on the chest of drawers, they cast the room with a velvet and warm light. Mirrors and valet stands, a practical element where to hang the clothes without damaging them and taking up a minimal space, are definitely among the useful accessories that contribute to complete the furniture and aesthetics of the room.

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