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Textiles are a core aspect of the night area in a house. Bed linens dress the night zone with fabrics and colors that can transform the room at each time. From the cotton buoyancy to the silk and linen weaving, bed sheets sets combined with duvet covers, pillowcases and bedspreads allow to customize the furniture by blending shapes and chromatic nuances. Comfort, aesthetics and functionality are the hallmarks of bed linens, as they are under continuous experimentation for what relates to materials and appearance, living the way to models ranging from one-tone to patterned tissues. The design of the textiles for the bedroom distinguishes itself for the amount of soft materials, patterns and drawings to be mingled with the room furnishing style.

How to choose bed linens

What is that turns the bedroom into a snug place where we feel safe? Bedding definitely play a huge role in this sense. The choice of each single bedding component can vary depending on the season and temperature. Bed frame covers are the first element starting from below. They are positioned quite differently compared to the other linens, since the latter go above the mattress while the frame cover goes beneath. Together with mattress covers, frame covers are meant to preserve the mattress. Bed frames make a bed complete and fully equipped and can adorn the bedroom especially in their bedskirt declination. Mattress covers are the first to come into play when we are about to “dress our bed”; their function is to protect the mattress from acarus, dust and sweat. They generally feature corners to better hold fast to the mattress. It can come handy to add a waterproof mattress cover for kids’ beds and cribs. To choose pillowcases the same rules as for the sheets apply, since fabrics need to ensure comfort, hygiene and resistance. Certain pillowcases in cotton can cause the hair to get kinky. In this case it is recommended to use pillowcases in silk or satin; these materials cause less friction, thus they allow the hair not to get too dry and break. If we don’t want to play with colors combinations ourselves, the market offers blankets sets or bedding sets that simplify the choice of the different components as they include linens with corners, without corners and pillowcases (one or two depending on whether we have a single or double bed).

Bed Sheets: the protagonist among bed linens

Bed sheet are most probably the first component that comes to our mind when we think of bed linens, as they are indispensable and directly touch our body. On top of that, thanks to the multitude of colors and patterns available, bed sheets allow to express one’s personal taste to a max. The choice of the fabric depends on one’s aesthetic and functional preferences, while the quality is based on the materials and number of threads employed. For a fabric to feel soft to the touch and to be defined of quality, it should feature between 180 and 300 TC (Thread Count), without forgetting that a TC value above 400TC brings down the incremental value of comfort. Cotton bed sheets are the most popular and versatile. Cotton – or mixed cotton blends- can be used year-round and thanks to its transpiration keeps freshness during summer and heat during winter. It is more resistant to washing cycles than other tissues like linen and silk. Linen bed sheets are recommended for those who can hardly stand the heat. They add a sharp accent to the room and can also be embroidered so to further customize the room. Linen bedding are also hypoallergenic and antibacterial because this fiber does not keep dust and microorganisms. Silk combines all the qualities of the already mentioned fibers adding a velvety feeling to the touch. In order to best take advantage of all the values of this fabric, it is fundamental to choose a blend made for 100% of silk. Its only fault is its high cost. Due to that and for its extra delicacy silk is more suitable for the parents’ room than for the kids’ room. In winter time flannel bed sheets are very common. They are fluffy, delicate and the brushing on one or both sides allow to better keep the body warmth.

Warmth for all needs: blankets, duvets and lap robes

In order to keep the warmth during the night there is more to be added to pillowcases and bed sheets. In this case too the choice depends on personal tastes and on the season. Duvets are the warmest blanket of their kind and can be made of natural feathering – as the name suggests – or synthetic padding. The former have a thermoregulatory function for our body. As a matter of fact the feathering holds the moisture produced from the body during the night to release it in the morning when the duvet is put to air. Differently from synthetic fillings, feathering padding does not cause night sweating and, as it allows for a maximum degree of transpiration, it keeps the body temperature steady. Natural duvets can be filled with down (which is the finest material), barbs (feathers without rachis) or small feathers. The quality is strictly connected to the percentage of down used and of which animal -geese’ are warmer and softer then ducks’. Synthetic duvets are normally stuffed with microfiber, polyester or more innovative and ecologic materials like lyocell. On the market duvets classify by their warmth capacity. There is a scale from 1 corresponding to fresh, to 5 corresponding to hot, to simplify the choice. No matter what your pick is, it is always good to also buy a duvet cover; this will allow to easily change the duvet pattern at any time, while ensuring extra hygiene, as it can be removed and washed.
Quilts differ from duvets by their appearance. They are a complete component by themselves, as they do not require extra covering. Quilts are made of an exterior covering that can vary in style and coloring, while the inside is stuffed with a padding. The quilts pattern will be the part in view. Quilts are to be used together with bed sheets. Their size is bigger than the size of duvets as the latter are inspired to a Nordic, more essential design of bed linens. Quilts are a traditional bedding element, chosen by classic-style lovers. Duvets are peculiar for their versatility and for being widely used in Northern Europe and are common among those who fancy a Nordic style for their bedroom.
Depending on the fabric they are made of, blankets can keep warmth to several degrees. The most common are wool blankets, either woven or knitted. They are also available in cotton, to cover without keeping too much heat.
Lap robes are generally smaller in size than the aforementioned elements. In particularly chilly days they can be overlaid on blankets to keep more warm. Lap robes can be of use in different areas of the house. Folded by the foot of the bed or on the edge of the armchair, lap robes wait to be used while watching a movie, for instance, and add a touch of color to the room. Lap robes are functional, comfortable and available in a multitude of versions. Even here, wool is the protagonist, ideal during winter, while cotton best fits less cold seasons. Lap robes are a guarantee of warmth that is not extraordinary, but anyhow very pleasant.

Design textiles: bedding that dress the bedroom

The offer of textiles for the bedroom is wide, devised and thought to integrate in a diversity of contexts, from the more classic ones, to the more contemporary. The colors palette for the bedroom can have more than neutral hues on it; it is instead possible to find bolder tones and drawings that set the bed off. Ideally the bedroom style should merge well with the bedding. Warm and vivid tones are recommended for modern-style rooms; neutral nuances for a Scandinavian furniture style. Neutral colors associated with embroideries and laces perfectly match with a vintage, rustic or shabby chic style.


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