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Kitchen furniture

The furniture projects of a kitchen needs to take into account several elements. In the first place, the size and proportions of the room or of the room portion that will be dedicated to it (in the case of open plan spaces). The kitchen furniture offer plenty of opportunities for customization and allow to merge together materials and colors to fit in any type of context. From the more classic to the more contemporary, the design of kitchen worktops, kitchens and pieces of furniture allow to create fascinating chromatic and material combinations, thanks to modular and sectional solutions. From wood, in all its essences, to marble, from steel to plastic up to elements featuring precious finishes, the kitchen becomes the space where you can give full expression to your taste and customize it with accessories and decorations.

How to appropriately design a kitchen

In general, a kitchen needs to be functional, handy and ergonomic. This is why it is common to comply with certain conventions that help simplify the project process and make the result more functional for the kitchen final users. The dishwasher is normally positioned next to the sink, the oven near the cooking hob (even when they are not combined), the lower cabinets also include drawers where to store the cutlery, dishcloth and pots, while the upper ones serve as pantry. There are generally some rules to follow, such as the drains position; however, if you are installing your kitchen in a new build, it is recommended to study the position of the furniture pieces during the preliminary stage. This will allow the fittings to be positioned accordingly and not to be seen as a constraint. If on the other hand you need to design your kitchen with pre-existing drains, gas connection and electric plugs, you will need to take into account some compulsory positions, such as for instance that of the sink and of the cooking hob. That set, the design can be quite free in line with the tastes and requirements of the final users. If the space size allows it, the kitchen can take a corner shape or even feature an island. If otherwise the room has a long shape, the best solutions will be to opt fr a fitted kitchen.

Modular, freestanding or mini kitchens?

At current there plenty of options to choose from, although in order to design a kitchen is it in the first place necessary to evaluate what is the appropriate type of kitchen for us. A modular kitchen, either linear or with a peninsula, can be the right choice for those who are looking for great versatility, since it often comes with the possibility to benefit from a tailor-made design and there are numerous models on the market able to meet basically all tastes. Contemporary or classic kitchens, country or industrial style. The most common materials used for fronts of doors and drawers at present are wood derivatives, such as laminate and lacquer, which allow easy cleaning and maintenance, but also solid wood is back in fashion. The individual modules are available in many different sizes and the inside can be customized with different types of shelves and accessories. Freestanding modules are the perfect solution if you are seeking a kitchen made up of diverse modules, each one with their specific function and particularly for those who prefer blocks (cooking hob, oven) of professional quality standards and large sized. This kind of kitchen is nowadays easy to find also in private houses and not only in restaurants, where also freestanding kitchens in stainless steel are very much used. Mini kitchens, which are ideal for smaller environments, can be of various type. There are freestanding mini kitchens that bring all essential elements together in in few square centimeters (sink, worktop and cooking hob) and take at times an island configuration, ideal to become the protagonist of the environment, even when small in size; otherwise there are hide-away models, perfect for a not too intensive use and for minimalism enthusiasts. Once the doors -which are similar to those of a wardrobe- are closed, the kitchen disappears in the context of the surrounding environment.

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