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Outdoor kitchens and barbecues

Outdoor kitchens or barbecues can effectively complete an outdoor furniture project and fit ideally in the space dedicated to the outdoor dining area. Ever more performing, functional and with an attractive design, outdoor kitchens are the trend of the moment and fulfill the need of creating an outdoor area in continuity with the interiors. A great alternative to the kitchen is definitely the barbecue, a protagonist of summer barbecues. Garden barbecues come in a multitude of models, featuring from table tops to fixed installation, which also allow to exploit a comfortable support surface.

An outdoor kitchen for the outdoor dining area

The choice of the model of outdoor kitchen starts in the first place from an analysis of the available space. Among the different solutions available, it is possible to choose between mobile or fixed outdoor kitchens. Mobile outdoor kitchens are highly functional and can be moved in order to allow the area to be cleaned up thoroughly, or to be put in a sheltered spot. Fixed outdoor kitchens are bulkier but offer all the typical comforts of traditional kitchens. Speaking in the first place of small-size outdoors, compact monoblock models are the ideal solution, whereas in the case of more generous spaces it is possible to opt for modular kitchens that can be configured as wished, in accordance with the space available. Another aspect to be considered when choosing an outdoor kitchen is the hob power supply typology, which can be gas or electric. In the first case, it will be sufficient to have the appropriate gas cylinder, while in the second case you will have to arrange the electrical sockets, also necessary if the kitchen is equipped with appliances such as the refrigerator or dishwasher. As far as style is concerned, in addition to the classic masonry kitchens which are perfect for environments with a rustic mood, you can opt for kitchens with a contemporary style or, for the most demanding, for a design kitchen. With regard to materials, the choice is wide and diversified, able to fulfill all needs related to style. All outdoor kitchens are made with materials able to resist the action of weathering, sea salt, rust and moisture. Kitchens in metal, made of stainless steel or aluminum, are the most common and are also available with inserts made of diverse materials such as wood, concrete and composite materials, or painted in trendy colors.

Grills and barbecues for every kind of outdoors

Barbecues make for a valid alternative to outdoor kitchens. Less invasive and bulky, they make for a practical and quite popular solution. There are diverse barbecue models, each one able to meet specific requirements. When choosing a barbecue, the characteristics of the place where this will be used are of key importance. In a condominium you will necessarily have to opt for gas or electric models, preferably equipped with a lid, to avoid disturbing the neighbors with fumes that, in the case of wood or charcoal barbecues, can be dense and annoying. Another distinction concerns the barbecue modes of installation, which can be fixed or mobile. Masonry barbecues are a fixed solution, ideal for frequent use and can be of two different types, with or without a hood. Mobile barbecues, mounted or not on castors, are the most common solutions, in reason of their versatility and functionality. Such models, indeed, can be easily moved and placed where needed, while those which are less bulky can be used also in contexts different from the domestic one, for a picnic on the beach or at the countryside. On Archiproducts you will also find a section dedicated to barbecue accessories, from cleaners to tools for handling food, from grills to cases, to different types of combustible materials.

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