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Office accessories

Once the overall office project has been approved, the environments have been defined on the basis of their function and that the furniture (desks, chairs, drawer units, bookcases, etc.) have been decided, it is time to consider the purchase of accessories. In the case of an office it will be better to choose them with care, so to have all that is necessary from a functional point of view without overlooking the aesthetics.

How to decorate the hallway and the waiting room of an office

Especially in case the office provides access to external guests, it is recommended that the hallways be as clear as possible, so to allow an easy passage. It is anyhow possible to plan for some essential complements. Right at the entrance, even outside the door, if possible, an umbrella stand should be placed. Depending on the overall style of the environment it will be possible to opt for an umbrella stand in plastic or metal, in a neutral or vivid color. An area dedicated to the coat stand is a must in order to keep the workplace tidy, especially in the cold season. The employees could have a dedicated area where to hang their coats, whereas for guests, if expected, a floor stand could be positioned in the waiting room.

How to decorate the workstation and keep it well arranged

In order to focus better it is good that the desk is as clear and tidy as possible, although some desk accessories are indispensable to be always within reach. Pens, pencils, pen holders, desk tray organizers, notebooks, binders, letter openers, paperweight and many other items could therefore be accommodated partly on the worktop and partly inside the desk drawers. In order to make the workstation more comfortable and to allow workers to take a right posture for their spine it is possible to equip the space with laptop holders, that allow to lift the screen position and keep it at the right distance, together with footrests and lumbar pillows. In addition it is handy to place a waste paper bin, small-sized if thought to be used for each desk, or larger (and perhaps also useful to differentiate wastes) when shared.

Furnishing complements for meeting rooms and common areas

One or more office whiteboards will be essential, either there are or not meeting rooms. These are multi-purpose accessories, useful to facilitate brainstorming sessions and to take notes during meetings, but also necessary in common areas to be used as boards where to share useful information with all employees. The whiteboard, moreover, can help asking the employees participation in the development of new ideas and when suggesting improvements for the office, to involve everyone in shaping a better workplace. The most cutting edge projects also include relaxing area in common spaces that favor employees’ interaction during breaks and outside office hours. Such spaces can be furnished taking inspiration from hotel common areas, with sofas, armchairs and coffee tables that ignite sociability, thus boosting productivity and excellent results at work.

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