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Kitchen textiles

Resistant, multi-color with motifs or patterns; kitchen textiles contribute to confer personality and customize this area of the house, as well as to the lunch table. The kitchen, either chosen in neutral, light, dark or colored tones is meant to last through several decades. Choosing the right textiles can contribute to change its look and allow to decorate the environment with zero efforts. Therefore, you will hardly get tired of your kitchen too soon; on the contrary it will be fun changing its style and ambiance just by choosing different fabrics, colors and motifs.

Tablecloths, placemats and runners: some ideas to dress the table

The tablecloths available on the market allow to choose among different materials, colors and patterns, in order to suit any furniture style. A fabric tablecloth can be used every day but also on special occasions. In the latter case, it is the color that makes the difference. Solid color tablecloths, perhaps in neutral tones, will be perfect for an important dinner and will enable you to combine plates and glasses, just thanks to their mild nuances. Placemats and runners make for a valid alternative to tablecloths, great to be used daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Often available in vibrant colors or patterns, placemats can be made of natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as in plastic. In any case, they are normally made of enduring materials that are easy to clean. They are used individually, one for each person sitting at the table, but are normally coordinated. As for runners, these are fabric stripes, 50-60 cm wide, that are directly positioned on the table surface, so to cover an adequate portion of it for two people that are sitting face to face at a table. Napkins, than, cannot be missed, to be combined with the other textiles for the table, tone-on-tone, by alternating a pattern and a solid color or even playing with unusual combinations between two different patterns that have a color in common tying them in.

Dishcloths, apron and pot holders: handiness in the kitchen

Dishcloths are an essential accessory in the kitchen. Usually made of cotton, they can be made in canvas, ideal also to dry the dishes, or in jacquard fabric for a greater absorbance. This is a kitchen textiles that has never lost its character and attractiveness through the decades, a kind of collectible passed on to the next generations; if our grandmothers used to have rich trousseaux of classic striped and checked dishcloths and received every Christmas as a gift a dishcloth calendar, today we have a wide choice of patterns and designs, floral motifs and illustrated, as well as minimalist dishcloths in neutral tones and heavy linen. Just like the dishcloth, aprons and pot holders are indispensable accessories especially for those who love cooking. And more: being always in sight, such items allow to decorate the kitchen with touches of colors. Aprons in cotton or heavy linen help avoiding to get dirty and protect the clothes from splashes and stains. Pot holders, on their hand are padded so to avoid getting burnt while maneuvering pots, pans, saucepans and baking trays and can be used as trivets when needed.

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