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Office furniture

Ergonomic and functional, while at the same time representative of the company culture and beautiful to be enjoyed every day: the ideal office furniture needs to meet several needs and to match all of them in a balanced way. Traditional, cutting-edge or trendy, the office furniture makes for the company business card. This is why desks, chairs, armchairs, stools, storage units, bookcases and drawer units need to be carefully chosen keeping in mind that, being furniture pieces meant for the workplace, they often also need to abide to the rules pertaining to the employers’ security and psycho-physical health.

Desks, chairs and furniture for the open plan space

If the company disposes of large spaces, it is most likely that the majority of the employees sits in an open plan area, that is to say an open area where many desks are positioned and separated from one another by dividing walls or partitions that may also be conceived to absorb the noise and make the workplace more comfortable. It is common to choose modular elements, made of solid and at the same time visually light materials, such as metal, derived from wood and plastic materials. The most modern workstations allow also to transform the space based on diverse needs, for instance allowing to create islands that facilitate working in groups or somehow more private spots, where to be able to focus better without visual or acoustic distractions. In any case, the design of such elements is studied to the tiniest detail and, for example, allows office furniture to be wired through plinths and grommets, which hide cables and help keeping the workplaces safe and tidy. Operational office desks are in most cases rectangular and endowed with wide work surfaces so as to optimize the used space; the peculiarity of office chairs is that they are adjustable so to support in the best possible way the posture of their users. Another way to optimize the space is to equip it with storage units, bookcases and drawer units shared among different workstations or portions of the space and that especially meant for archiving, based on the specific needs of the business.

How to furnish executive offices

Next to open plan areas, large companies often also feature executive offices reserved to the apical positions at the organization. When furnishing such spaces, as well as in the case of professional studios, the tendency is to take great care for details and - with the same ergonomics and functionality - to choose furniture of refined design, with more valuable and elegant finishes. Such environments become fully fledged business cards of the company, thus it is common to think of every element as a strategic one to convey a reassuring, trustworthy and professional image. The desks of executive offices are made with the most sophisticate materials, such as wood, glass and metal and can at times take almost sculptural shapes; they can feature details in leather, fabrics or hide that tie in with the colors of the materials the chairs are made of. Armchairs for executive offices, like all other office chairs, need to be ergonomic and to appropriately support the spine; they are at times endowed with a headrest and upholstered adjustable armrests. The material that is typically used for such furniture pieces is a high hand leather or faux-leather with transpiration qualities; today, however, there are also less formal, yet as well cared for, models available in fabric, more suitable for young and dynamic contexts.

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