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Last updated: 05/24/2018
Cookies are text files saved on the desktop or mobile device of the user who is visiting the site. Cookies allow storage of some user information that enables easy reloading of the respective site during any subsequent visits by the user. In general, cookies are used to improve the services and browsing experience that the site can offer. Some cookies are strictly necessary for the functionality of the site, while others allow you to optimise the performance and offer a better experience to our user. Others can help the site to profile the user and offer personalised, targeted content. The permanence of the information transmitted through cookies can be variable, for example, limited to the duration of the single session, or permanently stored. Also, cookies can be installed directly by the site, or from external service (third-party cookies).
Cookies serve different purposes. Cookies allow a site, for example, to:
Other examples of the use of cookies:
The cookie system used by the site supports the most popular browsers and applications available on the market, enlisted below. The system cannot, however, guarantee the correct functioning of the service for browser versions or applications which are not updated or supported. In any case, for best results, we recommend that you download the latest version of your browser or app.
3.2. Cookies installed by third parties
Besides the cookies installed by the site, we use some third-party services that use external cookies. The purposes for which information is collected by these cookies are divided into the following types:
a) Analytical purposes, i.e. cooking serving to collect statistical information on the traffic and service use by the users, for example, how many visitors visited the site in a given period of time, which pages were visited, the duration of the visit etc.. This information is collected anonymously, and is not connected in any way with the personally identifiable information of the users who have visited the site. For this type of monitoring, we use the following third-party services: Google Analytics
b) Profiling purposes, i.e. cooking serving to collect information on users' browsing habits and to offer content and commercial messages in line with the actions taken by previous site browsing paths, including browsing on third-party websites (remarketing). This information is collected anonymously and is not connected in any way with the personally identifiable information of the users who have visited the site. For profiling activities, any personal data collected through such cookies is processed for a maximum period of 12 months from the moment the consent is given to this type of data processing. For this type of monitoring, we use the following third-party services: Google Adwords, Criteo. Some social networks may activate cookies for the proper functioning of their content sharing services. For example, when a site page contains a "share" or "like" button, the selected social channel establishes a direct connection to the site. The transmission of data to social networks is governed by the privacy policies and by the terms of use of the cookies of these companies, to which reference should be made for further information. Below is the list of social media networks used on the site: Meta, Twitter, Pinterest
The use of cookies is clearly communicated to the user through a banner available on each page of the site (the so-called brief information), shown to all the users who land on any page of our site. The message warns users that the site uses a cookie system, and contains a link to this document, where more in-depth information about the use of cookies is present. Technical cookies do not require prior consent; therefore they are automatically installed as a result of access to the site. The use of profiling cookies requires user consent, which is provided by the user by either closing the banner containing the brief information, scrolling the page hosting the banner or clicking on any element of the page.
5.1. For desktop browsing Cookies can be deactivated at any time using the "remove cookies"-function provided by most web browsers. The commands for removing cookies vary, depending on the type of the browser. We remind you that, if the browser is not authorised to use cookies, certain functions and pages may not work as intended.
5.2. For mobile / tablet / app browsing
a) Android: select "Google Settings"> "Google"> "Ads" and click on "Disable interest-based ads" or "Disable ad personalisation."
b) iOS: Visit the "Settings on your device" app or visit the Advertising and Privacy page on the Apple site.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects the way in which websites can use cookies and visitor monitoring services. For further information on data privacy and about the actions that the site uses in accordance with the provisions of the new GDPR, please refer to the Privacy Notice page.
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