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Showers and bathtubs

The choice of bathtubs and showers should be made upon a necessary evaluation of the available space in order to define the ideal minimum and maximum size of the model to be inserted within the environment. The installation of a bathtub requires the space to be sufficiently large. A bathtub today is considered as a solution for those who do not want to deny themselves long moments of relax in the middle of hectic days and weeks. There are also modest size models, for those who do not want to give up on a bathtub in any case. At current, shower cabins are the most practical solutions as they enable a daily and efficient use of tinier bathrooms. The variety of accessories available allow to also regenerate and enjoy soothing moments while taking a shower, by means of vertical hydromassages, chromotherapy and aromatherapy.

A bathtub for relaxing moments of delight

For many people a bathtub is a real object of desire, allowing to turn the bathroom into a space dedicated to wellness. There, it is possible to treat themselves with long moments soaking in the hot water or to take some time for the body care just like in a real private SPA, thanks to the installation of a hydromassage bathtub, an element that is more intensively present also in private contexts. Bathtubs are the object of continuous experimentation from the point of view of the materials and styles and over time have come to be fully-fledged objects of design. From the classical rectangular shape, the offer has been extended to more compact models such as square bathtubs, that are commonly integrated also in small bathrooms thanks to their shape. In case more space is available, it is possible to consider the installation of freestanding bathtubs, revisited in the contemporary oval or square-shaped versions, that either rest directly on the floor or on feet. They are made in cast iron and come in models that take inspiration from the past, for an utterly original decorative results.

A mixture of form and materials: the shower as a protagonist of the bathroom

A shower cabin can offer many benefits and is the perfect solution for those who wish to use the space at the best and look for a more practical solution for ordinary use. Showers are normally installed by exploiting space on the wall or that created by a niche, so to make the best use of the available space. In alternative it is also possible to opt for freestanding shower cabins, if the space allows. Walk-in showers, on their hand, are increasingly taking the lead on the market. They feature a single lateral panel, normally made of tempered glass, and a ceramic tray. They can feature either hinged or sliding doors, although they guarantee the best aesthetic performance in the free access version. Such solutions are equipped with flush trays and can perfectly match even the needs of people with mobility challenges. In any case it is possible to choose from a wide array of materials and finishes so the cabin can feature aluminum or steel profiles, or even be self-supporting. Most of the models are made of tempered glass, however there are a full host of alternative solutions. The doors should be chosen after a careful consideration of the available space for an easy opening. Shower cabins with hinged doors and outwards opening are only recommended when the space is large. On the contrary it is possible to opt for a shower cabin with pocket door so to also make an efficient use of the space inside the cabin.

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