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Bathroom accessories

Bathroom accessories are essential elements to adequately equip the space, make it user-friendly and aesthetically appealing. A set of accessories for the bathroom can be made up of a variable number of pieces; some elements are a must-have and are normally chosen in the project design phase to ensure a coordinated result. These are in view elements and include soap dishes, soap dispensers, towel racks, toothbrush holders, toilet roll holders and toilet brushes. Other accessories can be added at a later stage, on the basis of personal habits and to respond to new needs.

Decorate the bathroom with bathroom accessories

The choice of bathroom accessories should considerate factors such as functionality, aesthetics and easiness of cleaning. Indeed, bathroom accessories are in the first place practical elements and as such shall be made of materials that resist through time, withstand highly humid environments and are placed so to be accessible for a comfortable daily use. Being in view such items need, at the same time, to fulfill their role as furnishing complements. It is therefore be essential to chose accessories that are coordinated with one another and with other surrounding elements. Eventually, such accessories need to be easy to clean in order to efficiently defeat bacteria, dust and dirt. As for the materials, there are accessories for all tastes and needs. Those made of wood can be treated in order to best respond to moisture and perfectly integrate in more traditional environments or with a vaguely Oriental style. However, more popular are the bathroom accessories in ceramics, that suit both environments with a traditional and a contemporary furnishing style, or those in metal, cement materials, or plastic, which can best fit in more contemporary contexts.

Wall-mounted and standing accessories for the bathroom

As already mentioned, bathroom accessories also serve as furnishing elements. It is therefore compulsory to combine them with the overall style and, of course, also with each other. As a general rule, the washbasin is associated to a towel rack and a soap dish, or liquid soap dispenser; on the top as well as on the mirror shelf, where present, it will be also possible to place a toothbrush holder and one or more (multi-purpose) make up holders. On the side of the wc are generally positioned the toilet roll holder and toilet brush. Either we have a shower or a bathtub, we’ll need to place extra towel racks or robe hooks and at least a soap holder. In the presence of a bathtub, it will be possible to opt for a whole series of dedicated products, such as the bathtub headrest.

Arranging the bathroom drawers and closets

Those who seek for a minimalist final result will rather have few accessories on display. In this case the bathroom accessories will be mainly concealed inside drawers and closets, that can contain other internal accessories, on their hand. In this case, it is necessary to have glove compartments, baskets and drawer dividers of diverse sizes so to be able to to arrange the items and make the most out of the space. Available in wood as well as in plastic materials and faux-leather, these are ideal complements for those who love tidiness.

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