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Sofa beds

In their many forms, sofa beds combine the comfort of a sofa with the functionality of a bed. When choosing a sofa bed, the actual size of the bed when opened, the type of conversion mechanism and its ease of manoeuvre, as well as the frequency of use must be taken into account. Assiduous use will in fact require a mattress of greater height than occasional use. It is also possible to opt for folding or sliding modes, in which the mattress, in both cases folded into the sofa, will reach the size of a double bed through the use of a mechanism completely hidden in the sofa. It is also possible to reduce the final size of the bed by simply folding the backrest flat, which, added to the seat, will generate the final depth of the two beds side by side, all from a greater length of the closed sofa. The sofa bed can also be combined with the various types of sofas available on the market, obtaining solutions that are aesthetically appreciable but also functional: by combining, for example, a sofa bed with a chaise longue with storage container, it will be easy and immediate to store pillows and linen.


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