Mattia Albicini


Milano / Italy

Mattia Albicini (Milan, Italy, 1980) achieved his Master's degree in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano in 2006. While studying at university he collaborated with manufacturing companies as well as design studios and between 2003 and 2004 he studied Design at the “Fachhochschule I-lannover", Germany, where he took part in a project in the field of urban lighting for the city of Hannover. After graduating he joined the team of Basaglia Rota Nodari Associates and then, from 2008 until 2011, he worked for Toan Nguyen Studio designing for intemational clients such as Dedon, Walter Knoll, Moroso, Lema, Viccarbe, Urmet, Domus, Firme di Vetro Group, YDF and others.

During that time he dealt with many different fields, from fumiture to lighting, from home automation and appliances to automotive. He also covered art direction activities, managing catalogues and designing fairstands. This variety of tasks, and the contact with leading companies and personalities of the design scene would be crucial for his training. He learned to face new challenges and acquired an effective working method. Between 2011 and 2012 he moved to Sydney where he worked for Enero Group, a worldwide group specialized in design consulting, communication and marketing.

During this period he also designed products as a freelancer, for Italian and intemational companies and in June 2011 he won the “Hands on Door Handles" International Design Competition, organized by the leading manufacturer Colombo Design, with a door handle concept. In 2012 he established his own practice, MATTIA ALBICINI STUDIO, in Milan. In 2013 he presented his firsts products at Euroluce 2013; Calle and Shar Pei, two collections of crystal suspended lamps manufactured by Terzani Lighting. At the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan in April 2014, he presented Croix De Bois, a collection of tables for the worldwide renowned company Ceccotti Collezioni.
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