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As a furnishing accessory, the game tables can be integrated into different environments, adding a personal, unexpected and convivial touch. If, on the other hand, it is conceived as the main protagonist, a gaming table creates an atmosphere and is able to change the shape of an interior space, transforming it into a real gaming room. In both cases it is an unusual and original element that promotes conviviality and stimulates interaction. With the right attention to the material and finish, the game table aligns perfectly with the style of the furniture. Considering the size of the cabinet (and evaluated the space actually available) becomes a unique complement that can give many satisfactions, giving cheerful moments with engaging games.
There are different types of game tables. Among the most common are certainly all the tables for games that have taken inspiration from disciplines usually played outdoors: ping pong tables, for air hockey or "foosball", also called football table. Although designed primarily for interiors, they are furniture that requires enough space for players and their movements. Another category in its own right and much appreciated are the billiard tables. Basically, there are two categories: classic models and multi-purpose models that often offer surprising solutions. While the latter tend to have rather small sizes, the classic models do not fear the large size. In fact, they are specifically designed to be impressive, to evoke the atmosphere of a "large salon", in other words: not simply to furnish a room but to create it. There are many different tables dedicated to classic board games, such as chess tables or backgammon tables. On the market there are many models with a minimalist design, inspired by the retro style or in a modern key, the exclusive editions, handmade in precious materials and taken care of down to the smallest detail. Finally, all the needs of lovers of the table with the "green cloth" are also fully satisfied: they can choose between tables equipped for various casino games, or between poker tables or Black Jack up to the tables for roulette.
Having a gaming table at home is not something for everyone, especially because it is a piece of furniture that cannot be used 365 days a year like a common dining table. It is true, however, that having it, attracts the attention of friends and relatives who, like a home, will not miss an opportunity to meet and spend entire evenings playing the most famous card games or challenging themselves to a ping pong tournament.
The modern gaming table decorates the space in a fun way and allows you to add a personal touch to the living room furniture. As parts require a certain amount of space, it is important to evaluate the measures and types model by model. A billiard table creates an immediate atmosphere and, thanks to its closable products, it is not bulky. A poker table, however, is revisited in a modern key while retaining the charm of the traditional model.
First of all, it is the target environment that directs the choice of material and size of the game board. One of the first questions to ask is therefore which is the target environment of the table. The living room, the bedroom or a room specifically dedicated to moments of leisure and conviviality? For both the bedroom and the living room it might be convenient to choose a more compact table, or decide for a space-saving model that in a very short time turns into a dining table for the whole family or guests. The round game tables in this are the best, enclosing as many people as possible in the smallest possible space, even better if equipped with chip and drink holders. It is less common to see oval game tables, as opposed to rectangular game tables that recall billiards, foosball and table tennis. Depending on the environment, the relationship between style and functionality or materials with high resistance must also be considered and, when available, alternative finishes must also be considered. In this way the gaming table will be a great long-term purchase, able to give emotions like no other furniture.
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